Dear Maisery… Our Transitional Council is Our Road Map
Dear Al-Khedr Al-Muiasery
You know well, as others who have good knowledge of the current reality of the south, that some people try to establish their ideas upon the tragic history of the south in a specific stage of its struggle. As southern, we should all have enough courage to admit all mistakes and rebuild our ideas to learn from them and not add more major mistakes that will certainly hinder our struggle towards restoring our glory, our dignity and our state. The south is full of loyal figures who will exert their efforts in expression of loyalty to martyrs of the south since October Revolution till this day. We should not rely on old leaders, with all respect to them, but the south needs fresh bloods of those who are active, loyal, well-educated and knowledgeable to lead the south towards building the capabilities of the southern human and reconstruct our homeland. We should all support the southern transitional council till we restore our state. We should have more than one alternative to anyone who may find himself unable to continue for any reason. We should tolerate each other mistakes if they are mere mistakes !! We should insist on affecting the southern street so that it can never be calm till our right in restoring our state is acknowledged. Without public support, political work remains in stillness because of the lack of responsiveness to the people and humble citizens who suffered a lot. Those people unified their hopes in this blessed council. The southern transitional council has major responsibilities towards the southern people. We should never allow the steps taken inside the south or with neighboring countries and the whole world to fail. Of course, you heard about the UN delegate’s initiative about Yemen and how he didn’t mention, even in a reference, the southern transitional council in his speech. The southern transitional council should move with strong alternative provisions to impose a status cu that can never be ignored. The most important of these provisions is the voice of the people through mobilizing public crowds all over southern governorate to send a strong message that we will never retreat. We will never accept any solution with this occupation but complete withdrawal from the south and restoration of the southern state according to 1990 borders. No federal Yemen is accepted. No national unity government is accepted. The only accepted thing the full restoration of the southern state and Adan as its capital. God Bless you All.