Everyone Knows

Written by/ Yasser Al-Yafei
The Brotherhood denies any involvement in bringing the Houthis into Sana’a, although everyone knows that they facilitated their arrival and raised slogans of “Welcome to them, welcome to them” during the so-called youth revolution. On the other hand, supporters of former President Saleh claim that they are also irresponsible, although they did not confront the Houthis but rather allied with them and handed over the state with its institutions and camps to them.
Political intrigues, non-national alliances, and working according to personal, tribal, and religious interests were the passage through which the Houthis crossed into Sana’a. In short, if Ali Abdullah Saleh had maintained his partnership with the southerners instead of conspiring against them in favor of the Brotherhood, all these disasters would not have befallen the country.
If there had been real integration between the north and the south, instead of following the theory of returning the branch to the origin, things would not have reached this point.
If they had implemented the document of the covenant and agreement, power would have been distributed among the regions instead of being concentrated in Sana’a and the Houthis taking control of it in one day.
But unfortunately, all their alliances lacked patriotism, and were driven by narrow interests, and what happened during Hadi’s term was nothing but the result of long accumulations. Al-Houthi was able to reach Sana’a, taking advantage of these fragile alliances, and the Hashemite penetrations within Islah and the Conference, as Sana’a was practically under their control from the beginning.