Hadhramout that its wealth is plundered in broad daylight

Article written by / Abdel Karim Mokarem
Hadhramout, which Allah has endowed it with abundant wealth, has become poor today, and its people cannot find anything to feed their livelihoods as a result of the situation that it has reached after the deterioration of the currency and the rise in the prices of necessary materials in a frightening manner. Today, the Hadrami citizen has become at the lowest level of income that a person or family needs in order to be able to provide an adequate standard of living. The employee’s salary is barely enough for a week, and the person with daily income has become more days of the month with no work due to the high prices of materials. Hadhramout, whose wealth and resources are plundered by the legitimate government, is poor, and the citizen cannot find food for his family and cannot treat a patient from his family, the hospitals are filled with cases of malnutrition daily, and the patient cannot afford a prescription for treatment because he does not have the material. What Hadhramout reached is a result of the practices and corruption of the legitimate government, which has looted and is still plundering the wealth of this good land and does not turn away from its sons who are exposed to certain death because of extreme poverty they are the cause of. This government, which lives in palaces and hotels, is filled with delicious food, its clothes are the finest and most luxurious, their children are educated in the most prestigious schools and universities, and are treated in the most luxurious hospitals, their lives are play, amusement, luxury, and empty rambling statements, and people here are exhausted and die of hunger, poverty and high prices. The people of Hadhramout have reached the brink of perdition, starvation and poverty, which did not know poverty and starvation except with the emergence of the Brotherhood’s authority, which brought the country to this situation. Therefore, we tell each of its sons to do what they can to defend it and extract its legitimate rights, and not to wait for the slow death that ravages the lives of thousands of people who do not find their livelihood. If we do not go out today and stand with the Executive Committee for the outcomes of the Hadhramout General Meeting and with all the loyal tribes and segments of the Hadrami society, then when will we stand up for the service of our country and our society and remove corruption and injustice that have brought people to the bottom? .