Legitimate for what??

By\ Dr. Aidarous Nasr Nasser
SMA NEWS – ADEN the Capital
When some show-intellectuals claiming to support Yemeni legitimacy discuss the failure of this legitimacy in managing the liberated areas, as in the face of the Houthi project and the restoration of the kidnapped state from the hands of the Houthi group, they quickly flee from the accurate answer to the floating answers to tell you: It is an international game in which several global powers are involved in.
It’s okay, then, but let’s, we simple people understand. Are these superpowers preventing the Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources from thinking about solving the fuel crisis and breaking the monopoly on fuel distribution by some corrupt and greedy looters? Is it the one who orders the looters of the oil produced in the Hadramout, Shabwa, Marib and Al-Mahra fields to distribute its revenues among them? Are the major world powers preventing the Minister of Electricity from searching for solutions to the electricity crisis that exhausted citizens and turned their lives into hell?
What applies to fuel and electricity applies to the rest of the services, including water, municipal services, the environment, medical and educational services: Are the world powers preventing the legitimate government from carrying out its duty towards its citizens? Are these world powers the ones who order senior state officials to stay outside the country and receive their salaries in dollars, instead of sharing with the crushed citizens living in crises and suffering? Are the great international powers ordering the masters of tampering for speculation in hard currency and to transfer its savings abroad as salaries for ministers, and their deputies and their undersecretaries?
With such questions, one can ask about the successive defeats achieved by the “National Army” when it handed over the provinces and camps to the Houthi group.
Will you say that the great international powers are the ones who ordered the Vice President and the Minister of Defense to hand over Nihm, Al-Jawf governorate, Al-Bayda, and Marib districts to the Houthis without confrontation or even providing a convincing justification for the families of the martyrs and the residents of those governorates and districts?
Legitimate gentlemen!
Anyone who possesses a bit of knowledge and understanding, feels disgust and nausea at your justifications by talking about the great world powers that you say are behind your corruption, your absurdity, and your disregard for the popular will and your destruction of the aspirations of the citizens in the north and south, while you continue to accumulate billions by investing in the war, keening to prolong it to achieve more of profits and interest.
All citizens ask with great condemnation and disgust: What do we call the legitimate ones, and what are left for them of the fig leaves to cover their inability to play the role of truly legitimate leaders, after they showed an unparalleled failure in carrying out the simplest tasks, and surpassed in their failure the most dull and stupid students? ???