“Made them safe from fear”

Written by\ Anwar Al-Tamimi
Even those who have criticisms about the performance of the security and military services in the coastal areas of Hadramout, they block it out of concern for the security situation and its protective devices and institutions. The stable situation, compared to most regions of the country, is felt by the citizens and the displaced who settled in the Hadrami coast, in addition to those coming from other countries, including official figures, businessmen and technicians.
One day, I asked about one of my relatives, and the answer was that he has a simple service office to serve foreigners who work in fish companies and other ones, providing them with means of transportation and arrangement with hotels or real estate offices to provide housing, as well as providing logistical services if they request it.. Of course, the number is not huge. , but it is a valid indicator to measure.
I was more pleased with the state of the country than I was happy with the news of my relative, who had a job and a source of income.. As I listened to this news, I remembered a television interview with the director of Hadramout Fish Company in Al-Shehr, who told the story of bringing in European experts and technicians, and how their concerns were before coming to Hadramout, and their requirements to provide strict security protection at the site of their work, and that the task of work does not last for a maximum of days or two weeks.. They came to Hadramout and all their fears dissipated.. And here they are today, more than a year has passed since they settled in the Hadrami coast
Official figures indicate that the areas of the Hadrami coast have become the most attractive areas for investment.
In the Hadrami coast, the largest iron factory in the country, the largest fish canning factories, grain silos, and a giant cement factory, some of these projects were built after 2016, and some before that, but they are all currently operating in a safe and stable environment. Were it not for the electricity power problem, which is mainly borne by the central government (and without exempting the local authorities from responsibility), the local and perhaps foreign capital would have rushed to invest and complete larger projects.
What was achieved is far below the level of Hadrami ambition, but it is a step in the right direction.