Mr. President Al-Zubaidi

By\ Mohammed Al-Naqib
On the occasion of the advent of the new year 2024, I have the honor, on behalf of all the heroes and commandos of our southern armed forces, to extend to you and all the sons of our great southern people the highest verses of congratulations and blessings, asking God to protect you and preserve, with your determination, courage and loyalty, the south, an independent, modern, federal state with full sovereignty.
Our homeland, the South, extends its social, geographic, military and security map from Bab al-Mandab in the west to Socotra Governorate in the east to renew loyalty to sovereignty, and to continue under your banner until the second national independence is achieved, assuring your sovereignty that the year 2024 is an exceptional year, and every southerner awaits its opening with the convening of the House of Commons. The southern historical event is the southern difference.
Mr. President and Commander: The starry heroes, who emulated you, and in your covenant, the covenant of men for men, the covenant of great redemption for our homeland, the South, and its people, who are steadfast on the ground, faithful to responsibility, who exceed the top of the clouds in height and pride, and outweigh the mountains in their solidity, steadfastness, and steadfastness, On the border fronts, the permanent residence camps, on the islands, on the sand shelves, on the mountain peaks, and in the stomachs of the reefs and wherever you want them to be, to confirm what you have confirmed to friend and enemy alike… There is no peace without the South, no peace without the restoration of our southern state’s full sovereignty. Any peace that does not carry guarantees of its success and in the same formula will be met with the flames of the fire of lasting and true peace that is required by the merits and sacrifices of our people… and that is the covenant of men for men.
Happy new year