
Oh, Southern People… Remember that Their Crimes are Unforgettable and Will Never Be Dismissed by a Statute of Limitations

Al-Khadr Al-Maisery

Al-Khadr Al-Maisery

Southern Writer
Southern writer and activist – Adan
On a day like this, the atheist sheikh Abd Al-Wahab Al-Dulimi issued his unjust religious opinion against the southern people immediately after 1994 war. At that time his opinion was adopted by Muslim Brotherhood of Yemen and their leader sheikh Abdullah Hussain Al-Ahmar, may God never forgive him.
The southern people suffered all kinds of oppression and unjust under the barbaric military machine under commandership of their illiterate Retarded commander “Al-Senhany”. But God avenged the southern people for their patience as some of those criminals died, others were killed and the rest are homeless.
The southern people should get rid of their sympathy and demand a trial for all of them, dead or alive, so that history can document their crimes.
Today’s south is standing on solid ground under commandership of General Aidarous Kassem Al-Zubaidi, president of the Southern Transitional Council, may God save him. President Al-Zubaidi is now requested to take all measures for liberating the rest of our lands and to put a road map for restoring the southern state, robbed on Mat 22nd, 1990, using the nearest and quickest paths.
Mr. president, we are holding you responsible for not to let down the southern people that provided you with his trust and confidence on May 4th, 2017. Mr. president, we are looking forward to a bright future under your command and hope that the upcoming southern state will represent the best model in the region and the Arab World.

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