On sidelines of Russian study to recognize independence of Donetsk and Lugansk

Written by \ Adel Al-Obaidy
At the beginning of the demands of Donetsk and Lugansk republics of the international community to recognize their independence, Russia did not attach any importance to their request at the time, not caring that accelerating the realization of that demand in Russia’s recognition of independence of these two republics is in the interest of protecting Russian national security, leaving the people of these two republics to suffer the scourge of injustice and persecution, the continuous aggression by Ukraine, which tried to keep them under its hegemony by force of arms, and with this, the Russian Federation is redressing the matter of neglecting the request of Donetsk and Lugansk and announcing it loudly to the whole world that it is in the process of studying the request of these two republics, which seems to be on the verge of recognizing their independence before the American-European threat reaches its heartland if Ukraine’s accession to NATO membership is approved. . This same prudent Russian position at the last moment in front of the request of Donetsk and Lugansk reminds us of the demands of the southern people for Saudi Arabia and all the Gulf states to recognize the restoration of the southern state, which by haste in recognizing its restoration, all the Gulf states and the entire Arab region would have been able to protect the security of each of them independently and protect the Arab national security combined from the Iranian threat. However, the Gulf states and because of their neglect of this southern popular demand at the time, which took place in more than ten million demonstrations, demanding that all countries of the world recognize the restoration of their independent state, and they warn of the danger of the Afashi regime on Arab national security, today they have sought some of the danger of the northern slogan, “Unity or death” which brought the threat of Iranian Houthi missiles and drones to their homes. The Gulf states and all the countries of the region and the world know that the Iranian Houthi threat would not have been possible without the help of the Afashi regime and the Brotherhood’s Islah party in enabling the Houthis to control all of Yemen, north and south, and had it not been for Allah and then the southerners who made huge sacrifices until the Houthis were expelled from all the governorates of the South, otherwise the Houthis would have been still in control of the whole country. All the Gulf states and the entire Arab region must redeem themselves in protecting their security of the region as a whole by rushing to recognize the restoration of the independent state of the South, before the Iranian Houthi threat looms again, which this time will be publicly intensified and united by all forces in the north, the Houthi, the Afashis, and the Brotherhood.