
Strategic objective and urgent needs

Written by \ Nasr Harhara

Some talk about ambiguity in the goals, directions, and policies of the Southern Transitional Council, although its documents are published and available to everyone, and its movements on the ground are clear and announced. This is why this statement conceals the truth. The goal of the Southern Transitional Council is to restore the state of the south, and it realizes that it cannot improve the standard of living and services of the people of the south until after the restoration of the desired southern state, especially in light of the sabotage of the economy and services against the people of the south, and the attempt to barter it to meet the living and service needs for the people’s political aspirations. The Southern Transitional Council does not accept that the people reach independence day and restore the state, and they are lifeless corpses that are unable to build and protect the desired southern state. Therefore, it chose a safe path to achieve the strategic goal and urgent needs. That path is the same path that is supported by the international community and the Arab coalition, which is the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement , to meet the urgent needs through the government of power-sharing and achieve the strategic goal through the political process sponsored by the United Nations and its participation in those negotiations as stipulated in the Riyadh Agreement. We pointed out that the Southern Transitional Council is not missing any other options, all options are open to it to achieve this, and it will go to it in the event that the Riyadh Agreement is not implemented. In light of that, this does not mean that the Transitional Council remains waiting in a negative state to implement the Riyadh Agreement, but rather has a system of policies, tasks and procedures that it implements and leads to achieving the political aspirations of the people of the south and achieving the local needs of the people, foremost of which is strengthening the southern cohesion, developing its foreign relations with the countries of the world and international organizations, achieving security and stability in the region, and for international navigation, and combating terrorism.

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