The escalation in Abyan to provoke the STC and push it to withdraw

Saturday 14 November 2020
SMA News – Abyan
Mansour Saleh, the deputy head of the media department in the Southern Transitional Council, says:
“The attempts to disrupt the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement, through the recent events in Abyan, have an impact, but they will not succeed in disrupting the agreement; Because this agreement is no longer a requirement for the Southern Transitional Council or the Arab Coalition, as much as it has become an international will today, as the entire international community from the United Nations to the proposal of influential countries in international decision-making confirms the importance of implementing this agreement as it is a way and an entrance to the solution to the Yemeni problem in general.” .
“They realize that these attempts are nothing but attempts to obstruct the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement, and they come from parties that sought and are seeking to register their presence, and to try to provoke the delegation of the Southern Transitional Council present in Riyadh to withdraw, and also to explode the situation, believing that it can create a new reality in the current situation.” .
“We in the Southern Transitional Council are keen to make them miss the opportunity to all attempts to obstruct and provoke, and to continue to move forward with the forces willing to implement the Riyadh Agreement, whether they are in the government or the brothers in the Arab Coalition.”