
The Great Failure of Hady’s Legitimacy and His Government

Zaky Othman

Zaky Othman

International Expert
Recent developments in Aden confirm that Hady’s government not only failed in ending Al-Houthi coup in Sanaa but also lost its supporters in Aden. It is now amid direct confrontation with the southern people. A confrontation that the southern transitional council can not be considered as a direct party in.
The current situation in Aden asserts that Hady’s legitimacy and his government are now expired. Following developments may create a new political reality in the Yemeni crisis that may complicate the UN envoy’s mission, based on decision no. 2216 to help all parties reach a peaceful solution to end Al-Houthi coup and return to political path. These recent developments in Aden may surprise the UN envoy to Yemen with a reality where Hady is not part of the negotiation table.
Is it the time to fold Hady’s miserable page, just as Saleh’s page was folded last year? Is it necessary that this situation will create a new political reality that may help reaching a peace agreement among equal powers on the ground?
The long-term conflict in Yemen led to deep changes in the internal structure of allies among conflicting powers in Yemen. Unfortunately, this doesn’t lead to positive changes in the position of conflicting regional powers in Yemen to help reaching an inclusive peace agreement.

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