
The Idea of Establishing a State is no Longer Difficult According to Yemeni Invention!!!

Ali Ben Shanthour
Ali Ben Shanthour

It is well-known that a state needs national institutions, military and civilian, established on institutional principles and away from randomness and corruption. This enables the state to fulfill its responsibilities towards security, stability and protections of rights and lives in addition to paying salaries and providing basic services like electricity, water, sanitation, health care, education, roads and all aspects of its citizens’ daily life.
According to the internationally recognized standards of the State’s responsibilities, Yemeni authorities, for decades now, are unable to be a state with real meaning of the word due to the war or the coup after that. This is true for Sanaa with its internationally unrecognized government that controls most of the north and refuses to recognize the legitimacy of president Hady but unfortunately it is also true for the legitimate government in Adan with its international recognition and control over the liberated south. Both governments failed to fulfill the requirements of a state, with all respect to modest efforts done in the south.
The absence of governmental organizations with all its responsibilities towards citizens makes it very easy to establish a state under the exciting Yemeni invention!!! A state without any legal obligations towards its citizens!!!
This is the real situation in Yemen. The state is not fulfilling its responsibilities. Ironically this may lead us to expect any group to declare a state through tender or auction!!! Commercial companies can establish a state in the north and another in the south or even three states as ordered and may better than the current situation as long as they will benefit from running and investing ports, airports, natural resources, tax offices and customs offices in addition to military effort without corruption. For sure, the economy will develop and salaries will be paid by US dollars!!
Can the so-called leaders think of their responsibilities towards the citizen who is now fetching for a piece of plastic to sell to buy a loaf of bread? If reports of corruption in investment of resources are true, the last of them was mentioned by Khaled Bahhah and we hope it is not a political maneuver, these acts necessitate legal trials not just dismissal of those who committed these crimes. We expect that President Hady may end his political career with an honorable act. We also expect positive changes in the policies of leaders of the Arab Ally, legal custodians of Yemen till Yemen is legally grown!!!

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