
The South-South rapprochement is very, very important

Written by \ Kafa Al-Hashli
In short, the stage now is not a stage of regions, provinces, territories, influence and control, but only a stage of political projects.

And as I told you in a previous post a few days ago, you will find a reminder of it in the first comment that We are not against rejecting this or that… If you have a project and requirements that you are able to achieve, implement it, and you are welcome.

The world no longer looks at Yemen as a single unit, nor as regions and as two states, but as three clear projects based on geography and on the active forces.

A unitary project that has its supporters, independence of the South project and has its supporters, and a territories project and has its supporters. These are only the proposed projects.

You say that you are northern and with the right of the south to independence, I tell you that this project is put forward. You say that you are southern and with unity, I tell you that this project is put forward. You say that you are northern or southern and with the territories, and I tell you that this project is put forward.

There are no words like in the past, I am southern and with unity, no one has the right to express my will, this was in the past, now they tell you to come under the roof of this project, you do not enter in the name of the south and say I want unity.

There is no talk like in the past. I am with the centralization of Yemen and the unity of its land, but I am under the roof of the territories. This matter is over. They tell you to enter under the roof of the territories project, because the owner of two minds is a liar.

I hope from Allah that the country will come out with a 100% right project, because treating problems from the roots is a solution to all evils, wars and afflictions.

Good luck,

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