The Southern Dialogue on its first day… Opinion

Written By\ Salah Al-Saqladi
I did not receive an invitation to participate in the Southern Dialogue meeting, which was launched today in the capital, Aden, and therefore I was not able to attend and talk about what happened closely and exactly.
The invitations were limited to entities and personalities who came from abroad and so that the dialogue does not turn into a noisy popular and revolutionary event in which the ballroom is mixed with the balls if the hall is loaded with human masses, as happened with previous activities.. and that was the best thing the organizing committee did.. whoever attended was sufficient to carry out the desired task of this dialogue. Our trust in the audience and in those who are absent is boundless and will never be disappointed, Allah willing.
So things seem after the end of the first day of this dialogue, according to the information, it was excellent and auspicious and an encouraging opening towards the consolidation of the principle of dialogue and peaceful coexistence.
Today’s dialogue is supposed to be a station followed by an entourage.. and a step followed by steps in the coming days and years. The burden is heavy and is on all of them, and the need to be overcome is by the effort and partnership of all without exception.
So we are in front of a starting station, the first of this amount, and it will not be a cock’s egg, even if it is marred by shortcomings and imperfections in the stages of its organization and the steps of its preparation.
The stage of peace, coexistence and dialogue – i.e. dialogue – is a train that does not reconcile completely except at every station of descent and ascent to continue again.. and a culture that should not age or be defeated and its propagation and dissemination is obligatory not only among the southerners themselves but also between them and their surroundings from the South of Taiz to the north of Saada and all regional environment.