The Southern Transitional Council … The Enormous Mountain and the Lifeline of the South
When I see the Yemeni occupation’s fangs prepared to attack the lifeline of our southern revolution, I feel more confident that the Southern Transitional Council is on the right path. It is the boat that carries us to safety and the lifeline to or revolution through which we will restore our southern state from its robbers by all means.
All these demonic tries and mad acts of Yemeni powers towards the council in addition to other southern agents of the enemy confirm that the council is right. This is the sign of victory and the start of achieving the dream of declaring the southern independent state, our second republic.
Unfortunately, the south has no integrated powers as we tried them all and gave them several chances to see light at the end of this dark tunnel but in vain. Today, we are facing serious challenges that if we can not handle well the fall will be very loud in front of Yemeni occupation again with all its massive capabilities dedicated just to oppress and destroy us. If we surrender, we will be more like a shadow dancer who exhausted herself and fell down to the hands of a drunk crowd.
We have no other choice but to stick to the council under leadership of president Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, the man with the undeniable bright history.