
Three Parallel Paths are Required for the South

Adel Al-Shubhy

Adel Al-Shubhy

Southern Political Writer

The southern transitional council should have support of all southern persons who work with legitimacy central authority and not to work against it so that the council can represent the southern cause internally and externally.
Military path represents an integrated work between soldiers, officers and field commanders of southern resistance on one hand and military commanders responsible for military and security positions in the south.
The developmental path is carried on by southern officials who work in the government and local authorities of southern cities. This requires full support and coordination among them all to agree upon developmental solutions, away from abuse or political and party differences. Of course, the situation is not optimum for such thing but we all have to approach each other and achieve the best we can in this path.
Strength of the southern transitional council serves us all, and above all, it serves southern persons who are in power. Southern officials who may participate in establishing southern organizations will facilitate many things for the council.
Then the political path represents the pursuit of the southern transitional council to restore administrative authority in the south through depending on southern officials, including military commanders as the military aspect is vital for deterring any military pursuit to dominate the south.

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