
We Are not Daggers in the Back of Allies

Ali Al-wathy

Ali Al-wathy

Southern Writer
To all components of the Yemeni occupation government, legitimacy and coup and what is in between:
Our guns will never be with yours. We are in conflict with you. A conflict that is bigger than to be minimized to a spoon of rice, electric current, arresting an innocent person or even stealing (Dracaena cinnabari)!!
The south has a sacred cause according to law, legislation, ethics and humanity. We have a homeland, sovereignty, national soil and freedom. But you are the enemy who stole our lands. How could you think to use as daggers to stab the backs of our allies? By God, this will never happen and we will never allow any one of us to push us towards this shameful square!
UAE is our ally that supported us when you failed us during our war with Al-Houthies and Affash while your president was surrendering Adan and the south to Habtour. UAE brought us air-born weapons while you closed the gates of all weaponries in the south, in Gebel Hadid and the fourth zone, in our faces. UAE brought us southern men by sea, including brigades of Salman under commandership of Al-Houthary, who you avenged their heroes for their victories that teased you.
UAE trained our young people and provided them with weapons. UAE supported our southern resistance logistically. UAE established the security belt troops that crushed you and your thugs wearing the mask of Al-Qaeda and Ansar Al-Sharia. UAE established elites’ forces in Shabwa, Hadhramaut, Al-Mehra and recently Socotra, that annoyed you and left you sleepless.
UAE helped the south as possible and is still helping. UAE is the main active agent in the Arab Coalition that you called for its help to protect you from Al-Houthis. UAE is not occupation you evil drums of legitimacy. Your stupid minds and vicious wills want to convince us that UAE is occupation!!
You idiots; you are occupation. Your president, your legitimacy government, Al-Houthi, Ansar Allah and Tarek Affash gangs, the Taiz, Tehamah, public, national and Yemeni resistance, your political parties, your organizations, your ministers, military commanders and civilian leaders, your activists, NGOs and terrorist bands, Al-Qaeda and Ansar Ak-Sharia, your thugs, road gangsters, agents, traitors and mercenaries, you are the Yemeni Occupation in the South, not UAE.
You occupied Socotra and the cyclone came to clear it from you. We are racing the cyclone as both of us want to clear Socotra from your viciousness. The southern cyclone is not less than the equatorial cyclone. In every southern city or village, you will find a cyclone that will clear our soil from you. All cyclones have the same name: “The Southern Cyclone”. You will never use us as daggers to stab the back of UAE. So, hail and shout as you are leaving our lands, sooner or later.

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