
Al-Houthi Militias Acquired Iranian Missiles that May Reach Abu Dhabi

[su_label type=”info”]SAMA News – Report[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label type=”info”]Amman – SMA – PIC[/su_label][/su_spacer] Dipka Israeli website indicated that Iran provided Al-Houthi militias in Yemen with missiles that may reach UAE capital, Abu Dhabi. In its report on Wednesday, the website, close to Mossad, the Israeli intelligence, indicated that despite the sea embargo imposed on Al-Houthi militias, Iran managed to provide them with BURKAN H2 missiles with an increased range of 1600 km, instead of 1000 km. the website added that there are concerns about providing Al-Houthi with highly accurate missiles like the missiles acquired by Hezbollah in Lebanon. The website also published releases of military and intel resources indicating that Iran managed to increase the range of the ballistic missile BURKAN H2, launched by Al-Houthi militia last week, from 1000 km to 1500-1600 km.
The report also indicated that the Iranian Revolutionary Guards shipped new ground-to-ground missiles to Al-Houthi militias to support their threats of targeting Saudi Arabia and UAE. Military sources indicated that the Arab Ally fleets, in addition to US fleet, should intercept all war ships and submarines accompanying Iranian missile shipments to Al-Houthi. According to the report, this latest upgrade of BURKAN missile puts Abu Dhabi in the active range of these missiles. Therefore, UAE declared full alert of its air forces and air defenses in preparation for any potential military aggression.

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