8th nniversary of liberatiing Al-Dhalea in southern eyes…. changed equation of war and was a key to liberating the South

The operation to liberate Al-Dhalea governorate on May 25, 2015, which this year marks its eighth anniversary, is of great importance as it broke the stubbornness of the terrorist Houthi militia, and represented the first victory for the people of the South and its forces over the Yemeni occupation and terrorism projects, and it also changed the course of the war against Houthis and their followers.
The battle to liberate the city of Al-Dhalea represented a victory for the right, the solid will, and the valor of the sons of the southern resistance, despite the scarcity of capabilities compared to the huge military equipment of the Houthi militia, which gave a strong impetus to all the southern fronts, especially the liberation of the capital, Aden, and then Lahj, Abyan, Shabwa, and the coast of Hadramout, and the movement had prepared the ground until southern resistance was formed in an incubating environment, and the incubating environment is the basis of any victory.
Al-Dhalea was liberated in a military operation carried out by the southern resistance, and the password for it was “Aden-Hadramout”, and they are the two wings that the south flies under the leadership of President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi in the prospects of a more organized and influential national liberation action in the southern cause to the table of regional and international decision-makers, with sufficient and worthy ability resolving the final and comprehensive battle to liberate every inch of the soil of the south.
Constant battle
First of all, Fadel Al-Jaadi, a member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Deputy Secretary-General of the General Secretariat, confirms that the memory of May 25 will remain a day of great people, when the valiant southern resistance declared the liberation of Al-Dhalea and victory over the Houthi militia, that victory that changed the war equation and was the key to victory in all confrontation fronts along and across the south.
For his part, lawyer Yahya Ghaleb, member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, tweeted on Twitter upon this occasion, saying: “The anniversary of the victory of Al-Dhalea on May 25, 2015, the first victory of the Battle of Decisive Storm, and its battle continues today, on the anniversary of the expulsion of the enemy hordes as Al-Dhalea forces are confronting the Houthi attack, breaking it as usual.
Stop the advance of the Houthis
The military expert, Brigadier General Khaled Al-Nasi, believes that the governorate of Al-Dhalea is the only one that stopped the Houthi advance from Saada to Aden, and its people came out before Decisive Storm with limited capabilities and stood in the face of the Yemeni military arsenal, breaking it and burying it in the soil, and after that they benefited from the support provided by the coalition countries, so they liberated their governorate in two months, and the victory of Al-Dhalea was the beginning of the victory of the rest of the southern governorates.
Al-Nasi added: “The people of Al-Dhalea are still steadfast on their land and are engaged in continuous battles with the enemy in their land despite the limited capabilities and the legendary steadfastness of the people of Al-Dhalea and alongside them the people of the south from Al-Mahra to Bab Al-Mandab is a message of reassurance that the south is greater than the ambitions of the Yemenis and will be a graveyard for them as long as the heroes are stationed on its limits.”
A southern epic, and a defining moment
Dr. Saddam Abdullah, member of the Board of Directors of the National Authority for Southern Media, head of the press and modern media sector, says, “On this day, the people of Al-Dhalea, with the solidarity of the people of the south, wrote heroic features and achieved victory over the Houthi militia despite their possession of various types of heavy weapons compared to the heroes of the resistance, but faith in Allah Will, determination and defending the right is the most powerful weapon.
Lieutenant Colonel Mohammed Al-Naqeeb, the official spokesman for the Southern Armed Forces, indicates that this great memory comes with its achievements, and as a reminder to the enemy militias of the lessons they learned in Al-Dhalea and all the fronts of the south, through which I realized with certainty that the south is the cemetery of the invaders, adding: “Lessons are sufficient without the occurrence of these the militias are in another suicidal adventure that is popular these days in its “media clowning”.
As for a member of the Council of Advisors, a member of the Negotiations Affairs Unit in the Transitional Council, Ahmed al-Rubaizi, the steadfastness of al-Dhalea in the face of the local invaders in 2015, and its brave men’s repulsion of the invaders’ hordes since the beginning of the battle, was the most important event affecting the course of the battles waged by the southern resistance on all fronts in Aden, Lahj, Abyan and Shabwa, and the news of their steadfastness resonated widely in the regions of the south.
Al-Rubaizi remembers how the Aden fronts celebrated when we exchanged news of the victories in Al-Dhalea in May 2015, and there is no doubt that it was a defining moment in the history of the southern resistance, and since that day the victories followed on all fronts.
In conclusion, it is worth saying that Al-Dhalea and all the fronts of the south have won more than once and are still standing up to the conspiracies hatched against them by the occupation forces, led by the Brotherhood, which until recently was betting in vain on bringing down the southern project to restore its state, by emptying the fronts of its fighters in dirty ways and means, the foremost of which was cutting salaries, fuel and food, but the awareness and vigilance of the leadership and the southern people are always on the lookout.