Imprints of legitimacy authority in the South: flooded roads and streets piled with garbage

The southern governorates witnessed a number of service crises during the past week, coinciding with the torrential rains that the local authorities affiliated with the Brotherhood’s legitimacy failed to deal with, in addition to the continuation of electricity crises, high prices and the deterioration of living conditions with the spread of waste widely in the streets and roads due to its corruption.
The torrential rains in Shabwa governorate during the past week caused severe damage to public services and private property, including agricultural lands. The disregard for the terrorist Brotherhood’s legitimacy sparked anger among citizens, due to the damage caused to their properties by bulldozing agricultural lands and destroying many crops, while the number of the victims of the torrents in the province to seven people, including three women, three children, and a young man.
The crisis of power outages continued in the districts of Shabwa governorate, during the past week, due to the depletion of diesel in the main generating stations, and the people of the governorate accused the Brotherhood’s authority of deliberately depriving them of their service rights and looting the governorate’s oil revenues.
The practices of Brotherhood authority of legitimacy caused a state of popular ferment in Hadramout governorate, in light of the worsening economic crises and the increase in the prices of most goods and services affected by the depreciation of the local currency, which led to the outbreak of a new protest wave in the city of Mukalla last Sunday, denouncing the oil company’s decision to raise fuel prices, which was reflected in the rally of demonstrators in Mukalla.
The situation was not much different in Lahj governorate, where citizens in the district of Tur Al Baha expressed their anger at the Brotherhood’s terrorist militia for ignoring the garbage crisis in the district’s streets, and expressed their fear of a health disaster due to the spread of rainwater swamps, and the accumulation of waste in the streets.