
MADAR Center for Public Opinion Research and Studies: Wider Vision, Realistic Treatment and Systemic Presence

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In spite of all barriers, unfavorable conditions and poor capabilities, efforts of MADAR Center, represented in its chairman with all his wide connections and attendance, are highly effective in communicating issues of the region, especially Southern Yemen. His intuition and resourcefulness as an academic professor and researcher enables him to get every chance to make in-time communication about what is happening on the ground and needs acknowledgement and documentation.

The center’s administration and workers represent a unique model for dealing with unsettled issues that swing between acknowledgement and denial from all conflicting parties with an open mind on all possibilities based on scientific principles that deal with reality to dismantle its complexity and digs deeper to extract conclusions that may help all political trends in the form of recommendations. But the main barrier facing good decision making about commonly agreed, but also ignored, problems is the lack of political leadership intuition in many representative bodies inside Yemen.

MADAR Center is not just a center for research and studies. Instead, it becomes a powerful political tool inside the political process that is interested in creating common grounds to reach acceptable limits of coherence among southern forces that agree on the goal and disagree on tools and ranks in chain of command. Actually, this is merely a narrow vision resulting from feelings of marginalization and lack of effect.

While doing well in penetrating international communities, the center faces real challenges in being accepted and understood inside Yemen. The center faces major misunderstanding of its mission, core or research and nature of treating political problems and intermediary relations. This problem can be easily resolved if acting forces inside Yemen attend to the contents, outputs and recomme4ndations of research studies initiated by the center.

The center is willing to help southern political leadership to systematically manage field issues and regional and international political changes to turn it into indicators for joint work plans for internal problems and external challenges to identify the pathway of political change in the region and moving the southern Yemen issue to table of solution. This means to directly identify copartners, allies, political rivals and direct enemies who are feeding the conflict and how to control the situation with a firm grip.

While identifying these vital indicators with all its possible effects and interaction, the center is preparing for a forum and workshop on how to gain future deserved rights and how to pave the way regionally and internationally for them. This calls for the south to be ready for being represented as an effective number on the table of talks for solving region’s problems including the southern issue.

Here in MADAR, we realize how serious is our national responsibility and this leads us to use all our capabilities to verify the validity of produced indicators through research studies, conclusions and recommendations that deal with the southern political issue strategically.


Dr. Najeeb Salman 

Chairman of the Consultative Committee of MADAR Center

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