Shabwa meeting calls on Saudi Arabia and the UAE to intervene to isolate the Brotherhood’s authority

The final statement of the extended tribal meeting of Shabwa called on President Hadi to the dimensions of the current Shabwa authority, and stressed the continuation of the sit-ins, setting a week as a deadline for the authority to implement the demands, vowing to escalate in the event of failure to respond.
In their statement, the participants called on the Arab coalition, led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, to intervene to save Shabwa and its people and protect them from Houthi intrusions and terrorist groups, stressing the readiness of the people of Shabwa to defend their governorate within the Arab project in Yemen.
Large crowds in Shabwa governorate, called on Tuesday for the removal of the pro-Islah local authority in the governorate and renewed its adherence to the Riyadh Agreement.
Hundreds of tribal people attended a popular meeting in Al-Watta area of Nisab district, invited by the tribal Sheikh, Awad Mohammed bin Al-Wazir Al-Awlaqi, which was welcomed by the local leadership of STC in the governorate.
This meeting came amid military tension in the oil-rich Shabwa governorate, after the Houthis took control of three districts. Dissident officers accused the Muslim Brotherhood branch, the Islamic Islah party and the authorities of the governor, Mohammad bin Adyo, of planning this.
A statement issued by the meeting said that the participants called on to “save Shabwa” and “remove the current local authority, which has brought the governorate to this tragic and extremely dangerous situation.”
The statement demanded “the formation of a special committee to investigate the fall of the three Bayhan districts into the hands of the Houthis without any significant resistance, and to dismiss all responsible for this and refer them to trial.”
The statement called on to obligate Shabwa authority to supply all the revenues of Shabwa Governorate to the Central Bank of Aden the capital, according to the provisions of the Riyadh Agreement.”
The statement demanded “the implementation of the provisions of the Riyadh Agreement, the change of local authority, and completing the security and military arrangements in a way that defuses the crisis.”
Awad Al-Wazir demanded, during a speech he delivered at the meeting, “to replace the governor of Shabwa, Mohammad Saleh bin Adyo, and the appointment of a new governor who will unite the Shabwani people with all its components.”
Reports stated that the authorities cut off the communication network within the area where the meeting took place.
The STC congratulated the success of this meeting in Shabwa, as its spokesperson, Ali Al-Kathiri, said that STC supports “the outcomes of Shabwa meeting and everything that would enable its people to defend it and manage its affairs.”
A number of military leaders, officers and soldiers announced their defection from the pro-Islah local authorities, accusing them of planning to “hand over Shabwa to the Houthi militia.”
On the same track, STC President Aidrous Al-Zubaidi and a high-ranking delegation arrived on Monday to the Saudi capital Riyadh at an official invitation from Saudi Arabia.