
Spokesman of the Southern Transitional Council: “Acknowledging failure is a virtue”

[su_spacer size=”10″][su_label]ADEN – SMA[/su_label][/su_spacer]

In response to press release to “Adan Sky” by Dr. Abd Al-Malek Al-Mekhlafy, vice prime-minister and minister of foreign affairs, Salem Thabet Al-Awqualy, member of the presidency council and spokesman of the southern transitional council issued the following comments to Sama News:

We were hoping that his excellency vice prime-minister and minister of foreign affairs, Dr. Abd Al-Malek Al-Mekhlafy, may respond to questions about the suffering of people of Adan and other southern cities from service decencies. But, as most other government officials who always try to find reasons for the government’s failure in running the liberated governorates, he escaped the answer.

Al- Mekhlafy said: “some people think that restoring normal conditions in Adan will weaken the dream of separation and therefore they purposefully create disturbance”. This answer puts the blames on shoulders of those who demand independence of the south without identifying the real causes of service decencies. This inaccurate answer ignores facts known to everyone, most important of them is the failure of legitimate government to solve the problem of services. The southern people is totally having no connection to this mass disturbance in services.

The southern people is demanding independence since 2007. They don’t want disturbance. But the legitimate government failed to invest the resistance’s victories. The people expected reconstruction and providing services to enhance their living conditions. And instead, they were punished for their victory over the coup. The government should bear its moral responsibilities towards the negligence happening in the south instead of blaming “separation-seekers”.

Again, we request the countries of the Arab Ally to interfere immediately to save the southern people. We also assure our partnership and commitment to preserve our military victories against terrorism and tyranny. We also assure our rightful demand of independence for building a civil, federal and democratic state of the south on the bases of law, order, equal citizenship and peaceful manipulation of authority.

Salem Thabet Al-Awqualy

Member of the presidency council and spokesman of the southern transitional council


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