South Arabia

100 Emirati Aid Trucks for Al-Hodeida Residents Arrive at Al-Makha

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Al-Arabia Al-Yemenis – Al-Hodeida – Agencies [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Human aids convoys arrived at Al-Makha – west of Taiz, on Sunday June 24th, 2018. The convoys included 100 trucks carrying tens of thousands of medical and food aids provided by UAE through UAE Red Crescent to aid 1.7 million citizens in Al-Hodeida and its surroundings. The convoys came as part of a wide inclusive plan of the Arab Coalition, under commandership of Saudi Arabia, to provide urgent humanitarian aids to stabilize the current humanitarian situation in Al-Hodeida, according to directives of Sheikh Khalifa Ben Zaid, president of UA and Sheikh Mohamed Ben Zaid, crown prince of Abu Dhabi. The convoys, sent through a land, naval and areal humanitarian aids bridge to help and revive Al-Hodeida and its surrounding after three years of Al-Houthi siege, confirm UAE commitment to humanitarian international law and its humanitarian responsibilities towards brothers of Yemeni people. It is also consistent with UAE long-term plan to help Yemeni people through fulfilling its urgent needs. UAE media agency, WAM, quoting “Harbe Al-Awany”, UAE Red Crescent member, indicated that the humanitarian aids land convoys to Al-Hodeida reflect the attention payed by UAE leaders, government and people towards Yemeni people because of long historic relations that links the two people and to relieve the suffering of Yemeni people because of continuous violations of Al-Houthi Iranian militias against innocent civilians. Al-Awany added that UAE is doing its best in providing Yemeni people with humanitarian aids and initiating developmental projects to improve lives of those brothers who are suffering severe life conditions and to relieve their suffering from terrorist acts of Al-Houthis. UAE Red Crescent sent an urgent humanitarian aids bridge to Yemen including 35 thousand tons on ten ships carrying foods in addition to another areal bridge with 7 flights carrying 14 food boxes along with 100 land convoys carrying aids from local Yemeni markets.

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