South Arabia

In His Meeting with Coordinator of Humanitarian Affairs, Zemam Asserts that Mareb Refrains from Supplying Revenues to Aden

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Aden – Follow-ups [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] In his meeting with Liz Grand, Coordinator of Humanitarian Affairs and resident representative of UN Developmental Program in Aden, Dr. Mohamed Zemam, governor of Central Bank of Yemen indicated that the governorate of Mareb refrains from supplying its revenues to the headquarters of the bank in Aden. He added that Mareb is administratively and financially separated from the Central Bank of Yemen in Aden as Saba News, the Yemeni Official Media Agencies published a piece of news saying that “Zemam is working on finishing technical arrangements to link Mareb Branch to the Headquarters in Aden”.
Social media activists expressed their astonishment of such “technical arrangements” that are not yet ready to link Mareb to the main headquarters till today although the bank was transferred to Aden nearly two years ago and governorates of Shabwa, Hadhramaut and Al-Mehra were immediately linked to the headquarters.
After two years of transferring the headquarters of the Central Bank of Yemen from Sanaa to Aden, Mareb is still refraining from supplying its revenues to the headquarters in Aden.

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