South Arabia

A Former US Ambassador to Yemen: What Happened in Aden is not Coup and the Council is a Partner in Anti-Terrorism War

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Aden – Follows up[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_dropcap]I[/su_dropcap] n his interview with “From Washington” on Al-Jazeera Channel, Gerald Firestein, former US ambassador to Yemen, commented on the event of Aden saying: “I visited Aden a while ago and most territories are under control of the Southern Transitional Council and now everything is complete”.

            He added that US administration is only interested with fighting Iran and terrorism and the council is a partner with the Arab Coalition in that. He also indicated that most southern are against the legitimacy but they share it the war against Iran with a previous vision of restoring the southern state.

            Firestein asserted that he didn’t consider Aden events as coup as things reached climax and the legitimacy government failed to provide citizens with their simplest needs. He also added that UAE, Saudi Arabia and the Southern Transitional Council are all partners in the war against Al-Houthis but according to different strategies while they share the same common goal of fighting Al-Houthis and terrorism and that what matters most.

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