South Arabia
A Leader of Shabwa Southern Resistance: Acts of Reform Jihadist Militias in Breaking into the Location of Launch of Southern Transitional Council in Bihan will Only Increase our Determination, Strength and Will.
[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Shabwa – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Salem Nasser Al-Shaklia Al-Kumaishi, a leader of Shabwa southern resistance said that acts of Reform Jihadist militias and their accomplices who broke into the location of launching the southern transitional council of Bihan will only increase the determination, strength and will of southern resistance and other liberation powers.
SMA News is publishing the statement issued by Al-Kumaishi:
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Most Gracious
And Thanks to God who Says: “And if they Assaulted you, then assault them just as they did to you”.
The southern resistance of Shabwa received the news of assault against local leadership of the southern transitional council in Bihan while the council was launching its branch in Bihan Al-Alia and what the Reform Jihadist militias and their accomplices did of breaking into the launch location and detaining some members of the council in addition to tearing southern flags in a scene that expresses the arrogance of this demonic party who is trying to oppress the freedom of citizens, who sacrificed their bloods and thousands of martyrs for the south, and humiliate them.
Such acts will never break our determination as southern resistance to retaliate appropriately to these sabotage acts that reveal evil intentions of terrorist powers towards the south, especially for those who support the southern transitional council.
Southern resistance of Shabwa demand all Shabwa citizens to line up and reject all differences to face these terrorist powers who are now seeking to divide us by rumors based on Islamic notions while Islam is innocent from their notions. We should fight them by all means as they are the major source of disturbance and corruption.
And Those Who did Unjust will Know Their End
God is Believed
Salem Nasser Al-Shaklia Al-Kumaishi
A leader of Shabwa Southern Resistance
SMA News is publishing the statement issued by Al-Kumaishi:
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Most Gracious
And Thanks to God who Says: “And if they Assaulted you, then assault them just as they did to you”.
The southern resistance of Shabwa received the news of assault against local leadership of the southern transitional council in Bihan while the council was launching its branch in Bihan Al-Alia and what the Reform Jihadist militias and their accomplices did of breaking into the launch location and detaining some members of the council in addition to tearing southern flags in a scene that expresses the arrogance of this demonic party who is trying to oppress the freedom of citizens, who sacrificed their bloods and thousands of martyrs for the south, and humiliate them.
Such acts will never break our determination as southern resistance to retaliate appropriately to these sabotage acts that reveal evil intentions of terrorist powers towards the south, especially for those who support the southern transitional council.
Southern resistance of Shabwa demand all Shabwa citizens to line up and reject all differences to face these terrorist powers who are now seeking to divide us by rumors based on Islamic notions while Islam is innocent from their notions. We should fight them by all means as they are the major source of disturbance and corruption.
And Those Who did Unjust will Know Their End
God is Believed
Salem Nasser Al-Shaklia Al-Kumaishi
A leader of Shabwa Southern Resistance