South Arabia
A Massive Operation Clears Abian off Terrorists and Kills Their Emir
[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Abian – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Recently, Abian witnessed several military operations for eliminating terrorist elements from the governorate. Operations were launched by security belt forces with backup of the Arab Coalition Air Forces. The most recent operation was under commandership of colonel Abd Al-Latif Al-Sayed targeted Al-Wad village where violent clashes continued for more than an hour, during clashes, security belt forces sieged Abu Mohsen Ba Sabreen, Emir of Al-Qaeda in Al-Mahfed, and two of his companions. Ba Sabreen was killed while his companions were arrested. Colonel Abd Al-Latif Al-Sayed indicated that operations will continue side by side with operations of Shabwa and Hadhramaut Elites to eliminate terrorism from the whole south. He added that the last operation clearly indicates that Abian and its honorable citizens refuse terrorism and will face anyone who tries to threaten their security. Al-Sayed thanked the Arab Coalition, especially UAE, and anyone who provided the security belt forces with logistic and military support.