South Arabia

A Meeting Between Chief Military and Security Commanders and Commanders of UAE Armed Forces in Adan

[su_label type=”info”]SAMA News – Adan[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label type=”info”]Amman – SMA – PIC[/su_label][/su_spacer] A meeting held in Adan this morning between chief commanders of military and security forces and commandership of UASE armed forces at the headquarters of Arab Ally Forces in Adan to discuss recent events. The meeting discussed several issues including fuel smuggling and monopolism, black market trade, currency exchange manipulation and assassination of military and religious figures in addition to effects of such event on daily life of citizens. Praising the efforts of UAE armed forces in supporting military and security forces, commandership of military and security forces asserted that all those who try to manipulate the stability of citizens’ lives will be heavily punished. General Saleh Al-Zendany, deputy chief of staff, general Fadl Hassan, commander of the 4th military zone, general Shallal Shaia, chief of Adan Security forces, colonel Mahmoud Salem, director of backup and support operations and Waddah Omar, commander of Adan security belt forces attended the meeting in addition to other military commanders.

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