A press release issued by the Southern Transitional Council

SMA NEWS – ADEN the capital
The Southern Transitional Council issued on Friday, an important press release regarding recent actions in Lauder of Abyan, as follows:
A press release issued by the Southern Transitional Council
The Southern Transitional Council is striving to implement the Riyadh Agreement despite the obstacles fabricated to the agreement by the other party since the dialogues prior to the signing of the agreement. The obstacles still produce themselves at every stage trying to thwart the efforts and endeavors of the brothers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The Southern Transitional Council renews its rejection of all methods of bullying terrorist elements by the other side to create crises and enable these terrorist elements to occupy security and military positions, as what Lauder district of Abyan governorate is subjected to in terms of mobilization, military intrusion, bombing, killing and violation of all human values, all this arrogance and conceit indicate the psychology of persistence and premeditation to violate the Riyadh Agreement.
The crimes committed on Friday, July 2, 2021, in Lauder district, which are crimes against humanity, including killing, wounding, terrorizing civilians, and bombing the city, are nothing but an extension of a bloody series that was prepared in advance, these included repression, interruption, war, bombing of villages and house raids, as happened recently in Abdan area, in Shabwa governorate, and the horrific crime that preceded it on last Friday in the capital of Abyan, Zinjibar, when the bus of the Security Belt soldiers was targeted, and resulted with dozens of soldiers, between martyrs and wounded.
The political, administrative and military crimes and violations committed by the other party represent a dangerous escalation that is inconsistent with the agreed-upon de-escalation mechanism, a blatant departure and a dangerous coup against the contents of the Riyadh Agreement, and at the forefront of these violations, directing the ministers of the government to leave the capital, Aden, in order to disrupt the work institutions and disclaim their responsibilities.
What preceded that was implementing assassinations against members of Shabwa Elite Units, and kidnappings against the sons of Shabwa, which in the recent period exceeded more than 33 kidnappings, in addition to the kidnapping of more than 35 civilians and soldiers when they passed through the governorate.
In addition to the political appointments in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the unilateral moves and irresponsible provocative statements issued by the Foreign Minister regarding the political process, and the delay in completing the implementation of the remaining provisions of the Riyadh Agreement, including Article 8, which provides for the formation of a joint negotiating delegation.
Besides, obstructing the return of the government to the capital, Aden, which has caused a doubling of the human suffering of the people, and the appointments of the Minister of Interior and his interference in the powers of local authorities in a number of governorates, and the unilateral decisions in civil institutions, and targeting the judiciary.
The Transitional Council has repeatedly warned that the other party is taking dangerous escalatory military and political measures that will prevent the implementation of the terms of the agreement.
Issued by the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council
The capital, Aden
Friday, July 02, 2021