South Arabia

A Prominent Leader of Al-Qaeda got killed in Al-Houdn – Loder

[su_label type=”info”] Abian – SMA[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label]Aden – SMA[/su_label][/su_spacer] A Prominent Leader of Al-Qaeda got killed on Monday afternoon when Security Belt Forces attacked his house in Al-Houdn – middle of Loder. A commanding officer of the security belt forces assured that Mohamed Saleh Al-Awsagy got killed after refusing to surrender to security belt forces that attacked his house in a campaign initiated a week ago to clear mid-lands of Abian from Al-Qaeda elements. Al-Awsagy was one of the prominent leaders of Al-Qaeda who was responsible for major terrorist activities in mid-lands of Abian.

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