South Arabia

A statement issued by Southern Resistance Council in the capital #Aden

[su_label type=”info”]Smanews / Aden / Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] [su_dropcap]S[/su_dropcap]ince the global announcement of the Corona virus and the horrific effects that it has caused to the largest and most developed countries in the world, we have been studying how to apply practical actions on the ground to prevent this evil and find ways to protect our southern people to avoid infection, Allah forbid, in light of silence and indifference in the legitimacy government, which was unable to provide the simplest services to the citizen from water, electricity, food and medicine, as if the matter does not concern them, and perhaps all of us have seen a simple example of what was left by the rain water that fell on us a few days ago .. This legitimacy was not satisfied with silence or indifference but rather deliberately by all means tries to enter the virus to the land of the south and its people only, but also to the north land and its people, so that it gains from the suffering of the two peoples. After we worked to stop the flights and land to preserve the lives of people, we see today this government work hard to resume receiving travelers through land, air, or sea from some of the countries where the Corona virus is spread, in addition to what legitimacy is doing in some countries to deport travelers to Aden so the disaster comes to us while they are immune to it in luxury of hotel rooms, and the decision of the Prime Minister to arrest the Minister of Transport was only a conclusive evidence of the conspiracy that this minister and his successor to open trips to Aden and entering the epidemic to us ..

We in the Southern Resistance Council warn any party trying to bring this disastrous epidemic into the south, and we will work to prevent entry to any flights, whether air, land or sea, that may carry and transfer this virus to us ..

We also warn the authorities that are striving to exploit this crisis and trade in the citizen’s food through raising the prices of foodstuffs as well as medical and preventive supplies that have increased alarmingly,that we will strike with a hand of iron, any manipulator or stores, at the prices of food and consumer items or medical supplies, and the Chamber of Commerce must do its part, monitor and compel merchants, unify the prices of goods, undo this greed and exploit this circumstance.

Everyone must be aware of the magnitude of the catastrophe that engages us all and act on a humanitarian basis, searching away from the contradictions or narrow interests.

In this difficult circumstance that the whole world is going through, we join our voice with the voices calling for an immediate cease-fire and harnessing all capabilities to fight this epidemic instead of fighting amongst ourselves and so that we can overcome this ordeal by protecting our citizens from the spread of this deadly epidemic, Allah forbid ..

Issued by the Southern Resistance Council, the capital, Aden – March 29, 2020.

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