South Arabia

Abdullah Al-Rudainy, Another Hero of Hafr Al-Basateen Injured in Al-Hodeida Liberation Battels

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Al-Arabia Al-Yemenia – Al-Hodeida – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Abdullah Adnan Al-Rudainy, a young soldier, was injured with a bullet during his participation in Al-Hodeida liberation battels in Heis Front. The injured hero is now in Saber Specialized Hospital as the bullet caused a spleen rupture that led doctors to operate a splenectomy for him. It is noteworthy that Abdullah is the third of his brothers as two of his brothers, Abd Al-Aziz and Majed, were previously injured and recovered before returning to battlefields. Abdullah wrote his name in the list of fame among other southern injured heroes of Haffat Al-Hafr – Al-Basateen – Adan that also sacrificed several of her sons as martyrs since the beginning of liberation battels of the south from Al-Houthi and Affash militias.

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