South Arabia

Abyan .. fierce popular indignation on Islah Brotherhood militia stationed in city market of #Mehfid

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News / Aden / Exclusive[/su_label]


In a dangerous gesture to the Kazimi community in Mehfid, the Brotherhood Militia of the Islah, stationed on Sunday in the center of the city’s Mehfid Market for a few hours, which led to massive public anger and indignation among the citizens.
Citizens in the city expressed their dissatisfaction and popular discontent towards those militias that want to convert the city’s market into military barracks, demanding these forces not to enter the city market or station in it in order to preserve the directorate’s capital from ruin and destruction, and to preserve the safety of citizens
Which is crowded with thousands of civilians who come from different regions to buy their daily basic necessities.
It is worth mentioning that the Mehfid district is witnessing outbreak of armed confrontations between the southern resistance, backed by tribesmen and the Islah Brotherhood’s militia since two weeks ago, after the stationing of those militias in the western areas of the city.

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