South Arabia

Abyan teachers protest in front of provincial office to demand their legitimate rights

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News / Abyan / Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] [su_label type=”info”]The[/su_label] teachers of the districts of Zanzibar and Khanfar in the governorate of Abyan implemented on Sunday protest stand in front of the provincial office to demand their rights that the government ignore, and not respond to their legitimate demands.

The teachers sent messages to the concerned authorities, and the government, and the Ministry of Education, stating that the demands of the teachers to get their rights, confirming the continuation of the strikes and escalation until the demands of the teachers and the General Syndicate of Southern Teachers and Educators, the legitimate representative of teachers and educators, are met.

The protest which was executed in front of the Abyan governorate Court, issued a statement, read by Salman Al-Aqd, head of the General Syndicate of Southern Teachers and Educators in Khanfar, stated the following:

1- Adherence to all the legitimate rights of teachers

2 – Stressing on working in strikes and asking the provincial local authority to assume its responsibility by standing alongside with teachers to get their legitimate rights.

We urge everyone to stand firm, steadfast and united, with the syndicate of southern teachers and educators to represent teachers in getting their rights.

The protest also appealed to civil society organizations, families, parents, students, Imams of mosques and all community activities to stand by teachers’ side for the stability of the educational process.

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