South Arabia

Activists ignite (Twitter) with the hashtag #Southerners_we_decision_makers

[su_label type=”info”]Smanews / Aden / Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″]

Southern politicians and activists ignited the most popular social networking platform (Twitter) on Sunday, with the hashtag:



Politicians and activists affirmed that the hashtag reflects the freedom and greatness of the people of the South in all stages of its revolution.

They said that the hashtag would confirm that only the people of the south would decide their fate.

They pointed out that the southern people had made great sacrifices in order to restore their fully sovereign southern state on the borders of before May 21, 1990.

They affirmed that the people of the south mandated the Southern Transitional Council with legitimacy as representative of its great historical cause.

Southern politicians and activists have called on all Twitter users on Twitter to participate in the hashtag # through Twitter and interact with it to make the message reaches the whole world.

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