South Arabia

Aden Electricity criticizes PLC and the government for ignoring its appeals for fuel

The media official at the General Electricity Corporation in Aden, Nawar Abkar, criticized the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) and the government’s disregard of the Corporation’s appeal regarding the provision of fuel to the PetroMasila station, which has been suspended for days due to the depletion of crude oil.
Abkar said, in a post on Facebook: ” Our appeals and letters of the need to supply the PetroMasila station with crude oil have not found listening ears, and these appeals have not translated into directives and actual movements to supply the station.

He stressed that if this station returns to service with 90 megawatts, it will contribute to improving operating hours and reducing cut off hours during the holy month of Ramadan.

Abkar added, “The loads have reached 480 megawatts, and the generation is currently 223 megawatts, which means entering PetroMasila will raise the generation of electricity to approximately 310 megawatts and will contribute to reducing the deficit to only 170 megawatts, which can be reduced after the generation stabilizes…but it seems that the government leadership is busy with the liberation of Sana’a after nearly eight years rather than the service of people. It no longer cares about the suffering of the people of Aden and the neighboring governorates!”, as he put it.

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