Aden Security Director meets United Nations Security and Safety Office promising to facilitate international organizations work

SMA NEWS – Aden the capital
The Director of the Security of the Capital, Aden, Major General Mutahar Ali Naji, met on Thursday, with the special delegation of the United Nations Security and Safety Office in Aden.
In the meeting, the Security Director listened to a detailed explanation by the United Nations delegation of the needs and obstacles facing international organizations, led by the United Nations.
The two parties discussed the joint coordination mechanism to facilitate the work of international organizations operating in the capital, Aden.
The Director of Aden Security expressed the readiness of the security establishment in Aden to facilitate the work of all international organizations and bodies operating in our country in an appropriate and safe atmosphere, understanding what the members of the Safety Office team put forward regarding joint work to facilitate the tasks of international organizations.
Mutahar called on the Safety Office and all organizations working in relief and development and others to redouble their efforts to include their work and activities in all fields, in a manner that is commensurate with the requirements of the current stage in which Aden and the rest of the liberated governorates are deprived of the simplest service projects funded by the United Nations Fund and other supporting organizations and bodies.
In the same context, members of the Security and Safety Office appreciated the prominent role played by Aden Security Department in achieving security and stability, praising the recent security campaign and its initial successes in order to achieve lasting stability in the capital, Aden.
The meeting dealt with strengthening efforts to resolve issues related to the work of the Security Office, especially the African refugee crisis and other important issues.
The two parties agreed on a unified work mechanism through direct coordination between Aden Security Department and the United Nations Security and Safety Office, which will be activated during the next few days.