Aden Security Director orders direct response to citizens’ reports

Major General Mutahhar Al-Shaibi, Director of Aden Capital Police Security, discussed in his meeting with the directors of the Criminal Investigation and Criminal Records Department in the security centers, and the Director of Operations, Communications, Planning and Statistics, efforts to correct the security path.
He pointed out the need to take into account statistical and informational aspects through joint coordination, linking to a unified security network, and speed of response and response in operations, statistics, criminal records and planning.
Mutahhar directed to observe discipline during security work, direct response to citizens’ reports, continuous follow-up of criminal cases, and ensuring integrity, honesty and good morals in receiving citizens’ complaints and expediting their resolution with credibility.
He pointed out the need to impose the prestige of security, adhere to official working hours, and preserve the property of security offices from technical devices and equipment.