Aden Security showcases capabilities of its security services during launch of the training year 2024

Under the patronage of the Minister of State and Governor of the capital, Aden, Mr. Ahmed Hamid Lamlas, the Security Administration of the capital, Aden, on Thursday, inaugurated the training year for the year 2024, with a military parade.
At the ceremony, the members and officers of the Aden Capital Security Department displayed their technical, physical, and military capabilities with a solemn military display in which they reflected the extent of their discipline, combat readiness, and willingness to carry out all the tasks assigned to them to the fullest extent, with all competence and ability.
During the inauguration, Major General Mutahar Al-Shuaibi, Director of Security of the capital, Aden, delivered a speech in which he said: “Today the training inauguration for the year 2024 comes after a year full of security achievements for the Aden Police despite all the challenges and difficulties, stressing that all those successes that were achieved were a reflection of the totality of those efforts and activities related to good preparation.” Systems and systematic planning in the course of the security operation, especially good training and qualification of members of the Aden Capital Police.
For his part, Mr. Badr, Assistant Deputy Governor of Aden, delivered a speech in which he conveyed the greetings of His Excellency the Minister of State – Governor of the capital, Aden, stressing that the security mission is a great responsibility that falls on everyone to confront all challenges and thwart all conspiracies being hatched against the security and stability of the capital, Aden.
In a speech by the Commander of the Emergency Forces and Security Support, Brigadier General Muhammad Hussein Al-Khaili, delivered by Colonel Abdul-Malik Qasim, Head of Emergency Operations, he said: “The year 2023 has passed after the security forces were able to achieve many successes, stressing that the emergency forces will work hard to improve the level of security performance.”
The inauguration of the training year concluded with a speech by Mr. Moamen Al-Saqqaf, Transitional President of the capital, Aden, in which he said: What we are seeing today from the security forces of the capital, Aden, makes us feel proud and proud, calling for standing behind the security leadership to achieve more successes and preserving the slogan of security is the responsibility of all of us.
The inauguration ceremony was attended by Brigadier General Awsan Fadl Al-Anshli, Staff of the Southern Ground Forces, Brigadier Fadl Baash, Commander of the Special Security Forces in the Aden, Lahj and Abyan governorates, Brigadier General Abu Bakr Jabr, Deputy Director of Security of the capital, Aden, and a number of military and security leaders in the capital, Aden.