South Arabia

Aden the capital supports Gaza with massive demonstrations

Crowds gathered in the parade square of Khormaksar District in the capital, Aden, in response to the call of the Palestinian resistance, in order to express their strong solidarity with Gaza Strip and their denunciation of the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people.
Large crowds flock to the parade square, carrying Palestinian flags and pictures of martyrs, chanting slogans in support of the Palestinian resistance and denouncing the Israeli occupation.

These massive demonstrations in Khormaksar of Aden, are a continuation of the series of movements and events supporting the Palestinian cause in the world, in which in the event a number of speakers delivered speeches expressing strong solidarity with the Palestinian people and their denunciation of the crimes of the Israeli occupation against innocent people in Gaza Strip.

Participants pointed out the need for the international community and human rights organizations to intervene immediately and stop the repressive and aggressive practices of the Israeli occupation against the Palestinians.

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