Administrative Board of National Assembly of Transitional Council continues its periodic meetings headed by Dr. Anis Luqman

SMA NEWS – Aden the Capital
The Administrative Board of the National Assembly of Transitional Council continued its periodic meeting headed by Dr. Anis Luqman, Vice Chairman of the Assembly.
In the meeting, the minutes of the previous meeting was reviewed and discussed, along with the directions of the 2021 plan and other organizational issues.
The meeting took a set of decisions and recommendations, the most important of which is assigning the heads of the committees who did not present the directions of their work plans and presenting them as soon as possible, to compile the directions of the committees’ plans, and review the directions of the past year 2020, and the ones of the Presidency of the Transitional Council, and reformulate the directions to be presented to the National Assembly at its next session.
The Administrative Board of the National Assembly also reviewed the results and decisions of the European Union on Yemen, and their implications for the course of the Southern issue.
The meeting concluded by discussing a number of organizational issues related to the National Assembly and taking the necessary measures regarding them.