Administrative Board of the National Assembly condemns repressive practices against peaceful demonstrators on Land Day

SMA NEWS – ADEN the capital
The Administrative Body of the National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council issued a statement about the peaceful southern activities that took place on the occasion of Southern Land Day, and the repression it faced by the Brotherhood’s Islah Party militias.
hereunder is the statement:
Important statement
The administrative body of the National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council followed with great interest the blessed political activities of the great people of the South in Abyan, Shabwa, and Hadramout, and with the support and backing of the people of the South in the rest of the governorates based on the principle of southern reconciliation and tolerance, on the occasion of the southern Land Day, which reflected civilized, moral and peaceful behavior of our great southern people, and affirmed that the people of the South are the incubator of the Southern Transitional Council and its forces that are fighting for dignity and defense of honor and homeland, and expressed their free and independent will to achieve their ambitions and aspirations to restore their sovereignty over their homeland and build their independent and fully sovereign state on the borders before May 22, 1990, and its legitimate demands to improve and develop the services, security, economic and social conditions, and to demand the local, regional and international community to put pressure on the forces of influence and terrorism that are waging a fierce war against our people in all these areas in order to dissuade them from their political aspirations, for that the administrative body of the National Assembly condemns in the strongest terms the practices of the militias of the Brotherhood’s Islah party, and their spread in the squares designated for events and on the roads, and the suppression of those activities with brutal methods, and killing, injuring, and arresting many of the peaceful citizens and activists.
All this arrogance and arbitrary and repressive measures will not go unnoticed, and will not be time-barred from prosecution, and its perpetrators will receive the legal penalties they deserve for it.
The administrative body of the National Assembly salutes, with honor and glory, the masses of our proud people, and their steadfastness and patience, and the progress towards achieving their national goals and improving their living and service conditions, and pray to Allah for mercy to the souls of the martyrs, and to heal the wounded of the South in general, and in Abyan, Shabwa, and Hadramout in particular, and it calls on the international and regional community to put pressures on those militias to release detainees, and political freedoms, and fulfill the right of the people of the South to express their free and independent will.
The South lives free and independent..
Administrative Body of the National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council