South Arabia

Administrative Commission of the National Assembly Discusses its Rules and Regulations

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Aden – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Administrative commission of the national assembly of the southern transitional council held its second meeting on the headquarters of the council in Aden on Sunday July 29th, 2018. The meeting, headed by Dr. Anis Lokman, vice chairman of the national assembly, discussed suggestions of rules and regulations of the assembly and mechanism of departments and commissions’ work in addition to discussing their reports.
Suggestions concentrated on qualifying members in preparing reports to guarantee the delivery of science-based and highly credible reports that identify positive and negative aspects of the topic under investigation. Suggestions also included concentrating monitoring aspects in general as a basis of building the upcoming southern state, in addition to establishing inclusive database for all southern governorates that depends on true data and statistics in all fields.
The meeting also discussed reports of chairmen of commissions during the establishing session of the national assembly, earlier this month, about infrastructure and service facilities of the south and policies of Ben Daghar’s government that led to deterioration of all services in the south, collapse of currency and lack of life necessities as all these aspects negatively affected citizens’ daily life.
Suggestions also indicated that reports and notes of the national assembly about electricity, water, sewer, environment, education and other aspects should be filed to chairmen and directors of these association and to responde to them to prevent deterioration of services and improve them.

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