South Arabia

After a Meeting of Southern Academics, Trade Unions, Teachers, Students and Youth, A Call for Mobilization to Al-Oroud Square – Adan and A Comprehensive Civil Disobedience

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Adan – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] With the time line, given by the southern resistance forces to president Hady to dismiss Ben Doghr’s government, approaching its end, a meeting was held in Adan on Thursday January 25th, 2018 where southern academics, trades unions, teachers, students and youth discussed the deteriorating conditions of the political, economic and social aspects of life in the south. In response to calls of the southern resistance forces to dismiss the corrupt government of Ahmed Ben Doghr, the meeting decided to call the southern people all over the south for mobilizing in Al-Oroud (liberation) Square – Khour Maxar – Adan next Sunday January 28th, 2018 A. D. – Jumada First 12th, 1439 H. during the marsh, the escalation program will be announced.

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