Al-Awlaqi Meets with Program Director of German Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation

Mr. Salem Thabet Al-Awlaqi, head of the National Southern Media Authority (NSMA), assisting the Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and the official spokesman of the STC, met today, Wednesday, in his office with Mr. Mahmoud Qayyah, program director of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Foundation in the capital, Aden.
Mr. Al-Awlaqi welcomed the Program Director of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, praising the foundation’s role in strengthening the activities of civil society organizations and its partnership with them in building the capacities of activists and youth as leaders for the future.
Al-Awlaqi commended the support of the foundation for the implementation of training programs to build the capacities of a number of journalists and media professionals in Aden during the past period.
Al-Awlaqi highlighted the STC’s tireless efforts to foster a conducive environment for the activities of civil society organizations, freedom of expression, and the press and media in the South, despite the exceptional circumstances facing the country, asserting that Aden today welcomes international organizations and Arab and foreign media delegations to carry out their tasks easily and safely.
For his part, Qayyah praised the efforts of the NSMA in conveying a positive image of the situation in the capital, Aden, and other cities of the South, expressing his hope for joint cooperation with NSMA in implementing training courses and programs with media bodies and institutions.