South Arabia

Al-Bahsani reviews the military and security situation in Abyan

Major General Faraj Salmeen Al-Bahsani, Vice President of the Southern Transitional Council and member of the Presidential Leadership Council, stressed the role of the Counter-Terrorism Service in enhancing security and stability, and fighting terrorist elements in the liberated governorates and Abyan Governorate in particular.

During a meeting held on Wednesday, in Mukalla, with a number of military, social, and tribal figures in Abyan Governorate, Al-Bahsani reviewed the military, security, and service conditions in the governorate, and efforts to confront and combat terrorist elements.

Al-Bahsani urged the tribes and people of Abyan Governorate to rally around the southern political leadership and stand alongside the military and security services, to support them in carrying out their tasks and duties in uprooting terrorism from the governorate, and consolidating the foundations of security and stability.

Al-Bahsani was briefed on the nature of the general situation in Abyan Governorate, its military and security aspects, as well as the status of services provided to citizens, in addition to the difficult economic and living situation that has ravaged the condition of the people of the governorate and brought them to the brink of poverty, as a result of the Houthi terrorist war.

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