South Arabia

Al-Batati as Vice-President and Mashouq as Secretary-General of the Southern Community in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

After reviewing the statute of the Supreme Council and its amendments, and after reviewing the bylaws of the community and its details, the President of the Supreme Council of the Southern Community in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Arab Gulf States issued the following decisions:

1- Relieving Sheikh Abdullah Al-Hadrami from the position of Vice President of the Southern Community in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
2- Appointing Sheikh Abdullah Al-Batati as Vice-President of the southern community in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
3- Appointing Eng. Hussein Al-Abd Salem Mashouq, as Secretary General of the Southern Community in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The President of the Supreme Council of the Southern Community asks the heads of the community’s branches in the governorates and all members of the community in the Kingdom and Gulf to work in a team spirit, as we are accustomed to from you to serve the southern cause and the people of the south in the Kingdom with the respect of all the regulations and laws of this generous hospitable country.

Issued by the President of the Supreme Council of the Southern Community in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Arab Gulf States.

Sheikh \ Abbas Sunaij Al-Shaeri

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