South Arabia

Al-Batati: the Coasts and Deserts of #Abyan will swallow up invaders and turn into graves of terrorists

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News  / Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″]


The head of the Southern Media Association – SMA, Abdullah Al-Batati, stressed that the coasts and deserts of Abyan governorate that are witnessing battles against the terrorist Brotherhood invaders coming from Marib will swallow them up and turn into graves for them.


Al-Batati said on Twitter: The Muslim Brotherhood has worn the dress of legitimacy before losing the last strongholds of the organization in Marib, gathering al Qaeda and ISIS militants to the city of Shokra in desperate attempts to invade Aden.


Al-Batati added: Aden is protected by men of the Southern Armed Forces who are able to eradicate terrorism and turn the coasts of Abyan into graves for invaders.


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