Al-Gaadi Meets with Representative of OHCHR in the Capital, Aden

Mr. Fadhl Mohammed Al-Gaadi, member of the Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), and the deputy secretary general met on Sunday, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat in the capital, Aden, with Mr. Renaud Detalle, Representative of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), in the presence of Brigadier General Nasser Al-Saadi, member of the STC’s Presidium.
At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Al-Gaadi welcomed Mr. Detalle and his accompanying team, and stressed the importance of promoting, activating, and applying the role of human rights on the ground and adhering to lasting peace, touching on the necessity for humanitarian action in the governorates of the South, and preventing certain attempts to deprive the people of the South of their accrued rights on the land as coming from outside the Commission to divert the course of action from the basic framework.
For his part, Mr. Detalle expressed his happiness with this meeting, and reviewed the importance of strengthening humanitarian work on the ground, and its great reflective benefits on citizens, revealing the concern of the OHCHR on the attacks on the seaports that will exacerbate the situation in the entire region, and clarifying the priorities of the Commission for Human Rights in providing assistance and monitoring violations that occur on the ground, pointing out that they are working on a number of activities in this context.
In the meeting, which was attended by Dr. Basem Mansoor, Head of the Information Department of the Secretariat, Lawyer Zikra Ma’atouq, Head of the Human Rights Department of the Secretariat, delivered a speech, in which she gave a brief explanation of the top priority to provide the necessary assistance to the community, indicating the distress of citizens and their deprivation of most basic rights as a result of deliberate policies being practised by forces and parties with enmity to the South and its People.
The meeting discussed ways to enhance humanitarian work in all different fields, and the nature of concrete steps to provide work that appropriately serves and helps citizens in alleviating their suffering and defending and guaranteeing their legitimate rights in many different aspects.